Tuesday, March 10, 2009

soooooooo im new to bloggin!

Heres meh epic story of gettin a blog!3 months ago,i was walkin happily down the street when suddenly!I forgot I got school!I ran as fast as i could but my pants were to low and sexy for me to pull it up.When suddenly,a minatour came crossin the road with a what it seems to be,Hui Ching!So,that very night I went on msn and saw Hui Ching online and I aske'd what shes doin.She said that she was bloggin and I was terrified.I didnt know what the word was!I looked it up on google I did.3 nights and 4 days or as it seem to be,when I looked up the clock and saw it was only 2 minute passed Hui Ching told me what it was.So,Hui Ching told me bout her blogspot url and i checked it out.I was shocked,amazed and abit gassy after readin her story.Then,she told me i should make my own blogspot acc,i was beweirded as if she had put a spell on me but I realised that I was actually fartin the ABC's and suffecating on the fumes i have realesed into the air.So,i made the blogspot account.But it was sooooooooooo boring.I hadnt been on it in a long time.Than it struck me!like someone hitting my head with a stools leg on the head!Which happened when I was in standard 5.So,i ran as fast as i could,battling the fierce ceatures that look's just like my mom!But I realised she was just cleanin my sister's room where i left my laptop!As i crept into the room very quietly,I saw what no boy should ever see!A pink bag beside my laptop!I cried my way moving the bag out as it sings the barbie princess theme song!After i got my laptop,i started blogging away!And only now have i noticed that i wasnt wearing any pants!I ran as fast as i could to get my pants.(www.youtube.com/genjutsu99)And what has the starting of the story have anything to do here?Not even one bit.I have been exagirating everything!so everything u read was a complete waste of time as none of it was true!Jokes on u!


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