Monday, November 9, 2009


Well finally i get to compose a blog post since exam over and all,which i got 93 for english!OWH YEAH!Well loads to talk bout.Well where to start.Theres the time where me and gaby went shoppind and theres radio signals in the car park!i had my first starbucks.pic in gaby's phone.And where we found this really awesome hat which gaby bought.And owh yeah,heres where im gonna start.

On,Deepavali night.I got invited to prithips open house damn fun.I met up with an old friend.Did some things.AWESOMENESS!humped his sisters bout masturbation condoms and balls.Awesome-awesome.played fireworks.Gaby brought his guitar.Told scary stories.Yep.FUN!

Well,theres once i erm forgot..................damn it.Well i do remember o vieins open house.mostly played football.ahh before that i got high and drunk.awesome.

Muges open house.Went,borin at first played his guitar.WAIT......WAIT.........WAIT.then Gaby and Yee Key eatin well before eatin askd all these questions bout her and all.So now i know her birthday and all.Then Gaby's like becareful of Nafieq,he might make u his new girlfriend you know.Guess what?she is!haha!lol.well just to piss him of i held her hand,walkin holdin her hands,watchin fireworks holdin her hand,huggin her while holdin her hands!lol.So i had to tell yik mun(gaby's 7 year old sis)i had to break with her.Then she said,i dun ever wanna see u again!Then she and her friend went all over me u know.Her friend said 'i dun like u but u like me'SO im like WTF?After i ran for some time from them she said 'Fine i like u'Still im WTF?AGAIN i ran the ladies cant get of me.Then continuing holdin hands.

I have 2 awesome pics of me and my guitars on facebook.Makes me look tall.

EXAM OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!got 93 for english!!!!!!!!!!!



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