Friday, March 27, 2009

Healing from EMOish(is that a word?)

Well ive been a bit depressed and like not smilin and stuff.And its very rare that this happen to me.I bet its because its DAVE.Well,I never ever,get depressed but this is like WOW.And so im typin random things here to let the stress flow through my fingers and into this blog.Awwwwwwwwwww,sowwy bloggie!Well a bit bout DAVE.Thats my PERFECT person.And yes,DAVE is just a nickname.I wont say her real name out here.Well like last monday i saw her and suddenly,for the first time.(i was running at that time)I saw her and my heart rate fell down.I was suddenly relaxed.She said how am I.And if i feel better.Only two people know her rue identity and thats nly my close and trustable friends.Well its Gaby and Isabel.And now DAVE knows to.I told her.(She was cool with it)But since then,we don't really see eachother anymore.Well maybe its because she changed her post to the prefects room.Or that shes a form 2.YEA!So what?I got a crush on a form 2.At least she knows bout it and cool with it.Im feelin quite better now.Owh yeah!Im in this competition called the UMW Green Challenge.5 peopple from my school were picked to go to Perak for 1 of their motivation camp.Heres how its suppose to be:
Odie:translation(i think)
Muaz:some teknikal stuff.
And somehow i got stuck with powerpoint!What the hell?!Im super mad at that.And then theres also this prefect thing.I sooooooooooo wanna be a prefect so i could see DAVE more often but then she rarely see's me now.And i guess im just some random kid she knows thats disturbin her life.Usually im this fun guy that everyone likes.But i got a little emoish and somehow everyones backin of.Well because DAVE doesnt see me anymore I guess "what the hell.....who would care?".And alot of people were affected at my change.Should i change back?
Well comment on what u thik I should do.And if u wanna know what im usually like,Go to also theres coral speaking where this 1 freakin girl/boy complained to his/her prents that coral speakin was takin her/his study time away.Why doenst she/he just ******* quit?I feel alot better now.Sowwy my fwenz for bein all emo.I was just under alot of stress.Might take some time to heal though.I wanna see DAVE and face my fears!I don't give ******* care to anyone who stops me!And in school,I got alot stricter(wth is that a word?)and shout at my friends so that they would obey me.And they did.when i shouted at the class for makin to much noise,everyone shuted up.I just want this job way tooooooo much to care.And after school,everyone was runnin out of the school and i shouted ot "STOP RUNNIN" everyone stopped.Its like,I have these powers i have just unleashed.And then theres this boy who ran by me.I grabbed his bag,pulled him back to me and said in a soft voice:"u dare run pass me".He quickly walked out.Stress is both bad and good for me.The good thing is that i get this like scary aura around me.The bad thing is that it draws my friends away from me.I use to be an EMO when i was in standard 1 and 2.I started sociolising in standard 3 and made some awesome friends!And just now,at this part of the blog,I realised that bein EMO is stupid,and you need your friends to live.Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I wanna go hug all my friends now.So to all those EMO's out there,Ur all big,dumb buttcracks.Ive been writing alot,and everytime I type a letter I lost some of my stress and anger.Well on Monday,the minute DAVE walks into the school,Ill be there.And thanks for wastin your time readin my blog.It meant alot to me.

Your big ol' friend



Blogger Anne Azureen said...

Funny blog on how you could be emo.So not you!hahaha

April 5, 2009 at 7:23 PM  

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