Monday, April 27, 2009

Romeo & Juliet (ASIAN style)

So kayz,as you can see in the title it says Romeo and Juliet because i have these 2 good friends that are in that situation!For some people this would be very juicy but,Im not gonna reveal their real names,so im gonna put Romeo and Juliet!

So,about a year ago,Romeo,went to Juliet's house and said

Romeo:Well Juliet,I dunno how to put this,but,I,kinda,sorta,like you.
Juliet:Would it help if i said the same thing?

Romeo said to me his heart flew to heaven and back.And i guess their pretty togather.I really didnt think that they were that serious about the reltionship since we are just at our age rite now.But i won't go there yet.Romeo has always loved Juliet and have always been keeping notes that she gave him.And Romeo has always been going to her house like quite oftenly.And to those people out there reading,Its not me.Just to make sure its not me,Ill type it again.ITS NOT ME!Since I made that clear,Ill continue with my friends little story.Well,i think I wanna describe Romeo and Juliet.First up Romeo!Hes a nice,understandable,strong,lovable(Lucky Juliet),patient,well,I cant describe him in words,hes just waaaaaaaaaay toooooo awesome.And Juliet,shes a smart(mind you,shes friggin smart!),nice,understandable,not one of the girls who are not cool with touching boys and such.Anyways,back to the story.Romeo has been coming to Juliets house a bit to often and today,Romeo got a dreadful letter from Juliet.I dont remember everything and he only showed to his friends he trusted.So im not gonna type it down in this blog.But theres ALOT of stuff in there.She wrote a poem about them,told how much she loves him.But Juliet's parents arent okay with them being togather.How romantic is that?She stated that Romeo and Juliet have been togather a bit more than normal friends should.She said that Romeo shouldnt come to he house until the problen has cleared out a bit.

Romeo's story has a little bit from "Love story"(Taylor Swift) and Romeo and Juliet(William Shakesphear).

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet.....
And I was crying on the staircase
begging you please dont go.......

Thats a little quote from Love Story.
How sweet is that?And Romeo was heartbroken at that note!Me and a few of us tried to cheer him up.But after that,He was okay,but I know,somewhere in his heart,Its crying.
Well enough said,if I type in more I might reveal Romeo and Juliet's identity

Peace out,
Romeo and Juliet,
Hope you will get togather someday,
Your big oll friend

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Unposted:A few of subjects that wasnt posted

So wazzup people.Im gonna blurt to you about:

1.Isabel calling his crush DAVE is annoying me(i dunno wheteher shes talkin bout my DAVE or hers)
2.Me+Mun yee= misunderstanding!

Kayz 1 is:
Kay now that Isabel has been calling her crush DAVE is like OMG its DAVE!and i was like"I DONT CARE!"And she was like"Not your DAVE,mine!)so thats just friggin annoying!That has hapenned a few times,so im afraid shell call me perasan or something like that.

An 2 is:
I was talking to Mun Yee the other day and when she walked up to go somewhere,so well,you know me.I did a joke that was like,"gimme a hug,I know you want to."So then Joel saw that and he was like"Nafieq,she's way to tall for you."Then suddenly Mun Yee said"I LOVE YOU!!!"So then Joel got shocked.So I said back lah "I LOVE YOU."Then Joel got double shocked.I just have 1 concern.The news gets to someone unexpected.I think you know what if you have been reading my blog from the beginning.

Well i guess thats it,
your big ol' friend


Friday, April 24, 2009

My first 3 prefect cases in 1 day!

So today i came to school(Friday 25Th march 09)i came to school.I prayed.After that i went to the main gate to do my duty.After that,i went to class and studied science with our teacher.After that it was recess.Just before recess.Some 3 Arandas came to our class and ask'd for our curtain's and said it was 3 Aranda property and they hanged it up.WHAT THE F**K?!!!!!???!?!?!?!I was freaking pissed at them for doing that.Gaby bought the curtain,and him and Virein hanged it up.WHAT THE F**K ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT?During recess,all the claderian's were mad at them.We felt like shoving Azri's foot up their asses.THAT WILL HURT!Kay after that,after that,we did our duties during recess.After that,we got back to class where our old Geo teacher!Everyone cheered up!But after that me and Gaby,Virein,Jaga and Liandra.We took care of the clas then we did a quiz and bla-bla.Then,Liandra and Virein saw some people wearing chalogne and we like fought for it.Then teacher came,went to the power point room thing.we cought the guy.Then when we wanted to go back to class.Joel said some guy has a phone in the toilet.I called Gaby and we rushed to the toilet.I saw a form 2 guy with a phone.When Gaby went inside the toilet,the guy hid the phone.We called a teacher and did a spot check.He hid the phone good.we got the name of the kid.And after that Pn.Alagesh called us with Pn.Shabita.She ask'd for the names.We gave them the name.Then we went kid hunting!We ran around the whole school.We got more names.Gave to teacher.Then theres some key that Virein and Gaby went for.Me Liandra and Jaga went to find the people who ponteng.Thats where we found 2 bags by the Water "tangki".The guys were framed!So teacher let them go.Just when we thought the day was over.Owh yeah before that story,This happens.
*after giving names to the teachers*

Me,Liandra and Jaga:Thank you teacher
The teachers:Nooooooo........THANK YOU!!!!

That was soooooo awesome.Liandra was like'Wow,we ponteng class and we are gonna get a good name doing it!'That is sooooooo true!
So,after that,like I said,just before we thought the day was gonna end,teacher found people 'lepaking'in the toilet,1 of them had a pass,so he was free.But the others were cought!After all of that,we went back to clas,rested for 10 minutes.....the prefects have to go do the duty.So that was pretty awesome!The whole day in school,and all i learned was science!Well theres actually alot more that hapenned,but im to lazy to type em'

So now,
i beg you a do.
Your big ol' friend

Sunday, April 19, 2009

MY DATE!!!!!!with the doctor.......

So,it was a Friday,and me,my mom and my lil bro went to the hospital!when we got there,i saw my doctor.I got my first contract!Yep,im 12 and i got a contract!My mom signed it,i signedd it,bla bla.Then,the doctor checked out my bofie,yes my whole body,even my private place!Yes,my EAR!after that,the ask'd me to pee in the container......Shouldnt have posted this.....Then they took a fw pints of my blood with something that looks like a long tube, needle and some wirey tubes that pumps my blood out.After that,we went to the eco room.We had to wait a few mins for it to open,so we had lunch.I ask'd for some water,i took he wrong guys i just took it,with my real cup,and used my moms money to pay for it.After lunch we wet b ack there and thats where i took of my shirt(damn im sexy(haha)).And the doc's placed something like a remote controll up my chest and these clips on my wrist and feet.Not really the end just the hingy part of your leg.So the remote thing was covered in some type of lube they put on it and the thing was cold so i chuckled a bit.They moved the remote up down my body until they stoped at my NIPPLE!!!!!Thats where my heart is,So,i looked at the screen,and there it is,my heart......I saw was friggin awesome!!!!!Then,it went under my ribcage,and so on.after that,this other doc,put there elektrods on my heart(yes nipple),around it,my feet and hands,then hooked up wires on it,i thought i was gonna get shocked!after that,they gave me my results and everything,but i still have to wait for the blood sample they took from me for about few days.Till then,im still gonna be fascinated by my heart.And at the en of the day,my mom was like,WOW all of those check ups wouldve cost thousands of ringgit!But u guys got it for free!Then Ull get this friggin expensive medicine for free for the rest of the year!So,it was an awesome day overall.And yes this happened because i got this sickness called thalassemia andd i am alpha,and they wanna run these tests on me because they are wonderin why i dont have even 1 blood transfusion in my life,usually kids my age with thalassemia alpha would have it multiples of times already,but i dont.Thats why their runnin these tests on me.And i guess ill tell u when i get back my blood results!