Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Unposted:A few of subjects that wasnt posted

So wazzup people.Im gonna blurt to you about:

1.Isabel calling his crush DAVE is annoying me(i dunno wheteher shes talkin bout my DAVE or hers)
2.Me+Mun yee= misunderstanding!

Kayz 1 is:
Kay now that Isabel has been calling her crush DAVE is like OMG its DAVE!and i was like"I DONT CARE!"And she was like"Not your DAVE,mine!)so thats just friggin annoying!That has hapenned a few times,so im afraid shell call me perasan or something like that.

An 2 is:
I was talking to Mun Yee the other day and when she walked up to go somewhere,so well,you know me.I did a joke that was like,"gimme a hug,I know you want to."So then Joel saw that and he was like"Nafieq,she's way to tall for you."Then suddenly Mun Yee said"I LOVE YOU!!!"So then Joel got shocked.So I said back lah "I LOVE YOU."Then Joel got double shocked.I just have 1 concern.The news gets to someone unexpected.I think you know what if you have been reading my blog from the beginning.

Well i guess thats it,
your big ol' friend



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