MY DATE!!!!!!with the doctor.......
So,it was a Friday,and me,my mom and my lil bro went to the hospital!when we got there,i saw my doctor.I got my first contract!Yep,im 12 and i got a contract!My mom signed it,i signedd it,bla bla.Then,the doctor checked out my bofie,yes my whole body,even my private place!Yes,my EAR!after that,the ask'd me to pee in the container......Shouldnt have posted this.....Then they took a fw pints of my blood with something that looks like a long tube, needle and some wirey tubes that pumps my blood out.After that,we went to the eco room.We had to wait a few mins for it to open,so we had lunch.I ask'd for some water,i took he wrong guys i just took it,with my real cup,and used my moms money to pay for it.After lunch we wet b ack there and thats where i took of my shirt(damn im sexy(haha)).And the doc's placed something like a remote controll up my chest and these clips on my wrist and feet.Not really the end just the hingy part of your leg.So the remote thing was covered in some type of lube they put on it and the thing was cold so i chuckled a bit.They moved the remote up down my body until they stoped at my NIPPLE!!!!!Thats where my heart is,So,i looked at the screen,and there it is,my heart......I saw was friggin awesome!!!!!Then,it went under my ribcage,and so on.after that,this other doc,put there elektrods on my heart(yes nipple),around it,my feet and hands,then hooked up wires on it,i thought i was gonna get shocked!after that,they gave me my results and everything,but i still have to wait for the blood sample they took from me for about few days.Till then,im still gonna be fascinated by my heart.And at the en of the day,my mom was like,WOW all of those check ups wouldve cost thousands of ringgit!But u guys got it for free!Then Ull get this friggin expensive medicine for free for the rest of the year!So,it was an awesome day overall.And yes this happened because i got this sickness called thalassemia andd i am alpha,and they wanna run these tests on me because they are wonderin why i dont have even 1 blood transfusion in my life,usually kids my age with thalassemia alpha would have it multiples of times already,but i dont.Thats why their runnin these tests on me.And i guess ill tell u when i get back my blood results!
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